Panel: Risks in the Clouds: Between Silver Linings and Oncoming Storms

Moderator: Peter G. Neumann, SRI

*The Cloud* seems to have become the *buzzword du jour* for the new decade. Cloud computing and shared cloud databases are widely being touted as the salvational way of the future. Indeed, there are many potential advantages, relating to centralization of such complex functions as facility management, backup, long-term retrievability, compliance, and oversight, with enormous possible cost savings and labor reductions resulting from outsourcing and simplification of administration, operations, and expertise --- for governments, businesses, and users, while at the same time reaping new profits for cloud purveyors. However, there are some huge risks that must be considered, such as the trustworthiness of security, data integrity, privacy, reliability, accountability, liability, and overcoming untrustworthy third parties. This panel will attempt to provide an objective assessment of the risks and what is needed for those risks to be sufficiently overcome.


  • Earl Crane, Department of Homeland Security, USA
  • Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Technical University Darmstadt and Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Systems, Darmstadt, Germany
  • Matt Blaze, Professor of Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • Lee Tien, Electronic Frontier Foundation, USA