Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2014

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Panel: CPS: Cybersecurity, Resilience, Safety, and Fault Tolerance

Wednesday, 10 December 2014
13:30 - 15:00

Orleans A

Moderator: Patricia Muoio, Director of Research and Development, G2 Inc.



Cyber Physical Systems, particularly those used in critical infrastructure, have a long history of being well engineered for resilience, safety, and fault tolerance.  As these systems have become more networked and more controlled by automated decisions, the cybersecurity of these systems has become a pressing concern.  Can any of the reasoning and design constraints that were developed to address these traditional concerns be leveraged to provide cybersecurity?  The processes that support safety and fault tolerance tend to be very change adverse.  Can they be modified to address systems that learn and adapt?  Are there technologies that would enable rapid re-certification of legacy systems that have been modified address cybersecurity concerns?


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