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CPS: Market Analysis of Attacks Against Demand Response in the Smart Grid
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In this paper, we study the impact of integrity attacks considering strategic players (a social planner or a consumer) and a strategic attacker. We identify two goals from this attacker: (1) damage the equipment in the power grid by producing sudden overloads, and (2) minimize the costs of participating in the market by compromising and then manipulating control (load shaping) signals. We then explore the resiliency of two different demand response systems to these fraudsters and malicious attackers. Our results provide guidelines for system operators deciding which type of demand-response system they want to implement, how to secure them, and directions for detecting these attacks.
Carlos Barreto
University of Texas at Dallas
United States
Alvaro Cardenas
University of Texas at Dallas
United States
Nicanor Quijano
Universidad de los Andes
Eduardo Mojica-Nava
Universidad Nacional