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A Taste of Tweet: Reverse Engineering Twitter Spammers
Based on the analysis, we evaluate our new guidelines for building effective social honeypots by implementing “advanced” honeypots. Particularly, within the same time period, using those advanced honeypots can trap spammers around 26 times faster than using “traditional” honeypots. In addition, given limited resources/time, a light-weight strategy to prioritize the sampling of more likely spam accounts from the huge Twittersphere is essentially useful in many scenarios (e.g., analyzing spammers’ social behaviors). Applying what we have learned about the tastes of spammers from the relative passive social honeypots, we design two lightweight, guided approaches to prioritize the active sampling of more likely spam accounts in the huge Twittersphere. According to our evaluation, our strategies could efficiently sample/infer over 17,000 spam accounts, with a considerably high “Hit Ratio” (about 0.6 correct
spam account per sampled/inferred account)
Chao Yang
Texas A&M University
United States
Jialong Zhang
Texas A&M University
United States
Guofei Gu
Texas A&M University
United States