Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2015

Full Program »

Industrial Control System Security Workshop (ICSS)

Tuesday, 8 December 2015
08:30 - 12:00

Salon 5

8:30     Welcome and Introduction, Harvey Rubinovitz, The MITRE Corporation, and Adam Hahn, Washington State University

8:45     Towards Security and Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems, Sajal Bhatia, Fordham University, NY

9:30     Securing Industrial Control Systems: An End-to-End Integrity Verification Approach, Sye Loong Keoh, et al., University of Glasgow Singapore, Singapore

10:15   BREAK

10:30   Evaluating Resilience of Oil and Gas Cyber Physical Systems: A Roadmap, Yatin Wadhawan and Clifford Neuman, University of Southern California

11:15   A Quantitative Evaluation of the Target Selection of Havex ICS Malware Plugin, Julian Rrushi, Western Washington University

Please note the workshop schedule is tentative and subject to revision.



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