Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2015

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Privacy-preserving Virtual Machine

Cloud computing systems routinely process users' confidential data, but
the underlying virtualization software in use today is not constructed to
minimize the exposure of such data. For instance, virtual machine (VM) checkpointing can drastically prolong the lifetime and vulnerability of confidential data without users' knowledge by storing such data as part of a persistent snapshot. A key requirement for minimizing the exposure of any data is the ability to cleanly isolate such data for either exclusion or processing. Traditional mechanisms for memory taint tracking are expensive whereas those for isolating application footprint in VM-based sandboxes are not transparent. In this paper, we propose a transparent and lightweight mechanism for isolating a confidential application's memory footprint in a VM. The key idea is for a parent VM to spawn a child VM, called a Privacy-preserving Virtual Machine (PPVM) within which the confidential application executes. Hypervisor features, such as VM checkpointing, that need to exclude the memory of a confidential application can safely ignore the child VM's memory footprint. Alternatively, features such as checkpoint encryption or malware tracking can operate only on the child VM's memory. We implement memory isolation for PPVM through a lightweight VM fork operation that
uses copy-on-write to reduce the memory and filesystem overhead of the PPVM. Transparency is achieved through a confidential shell that allows the parent VM to spawn the confidential application in the PPVM and exercise control over it during runtime. We demonstrate the effectiveness of PPVM through its use with VM checkpointing, which can safely checkpoint the parent VM while excluding or encrypting the associated PPVM. We show that our PPVM implementation achieves effective memory isolation with low overheads on memory, CPU, and network performance.


Tianlin Li    
State University of New York at Binghamton
United States

Yaohui Hu    
State University of New York at Binghamton
United States

Ping Yang    
State University of New York at Binghamton
United States

Kartik Gopalan    
State University of New York at Binghamton
United States


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