Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2016

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Panel: Lessons from the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge: Expanding the Frontier in Automated Cyber Reasoning

Wednesday, 7 December 2016
13:30 - 15:00

Club Room

Chair: Benjamin Price, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Moderators: Benjamin Price and Michael Zhivich, MIT Lincoln Laboratory


Tim Vidas, CGC Infrastructure Team

Lok Yan, CGC Infrastructure Team

Chris Eagle, CGC Infrastructure Team

Yan Shoshitaishvili, Shellphish Team (3rd Place)

David Melski, TechX Team (2nd Place)

Brian Knudson, DeepRed Team

Panel Description:

The ultimate test of wits in computer security occurs through open
competition on the global Capture the Flag (CTF) tournament circuit. In
CTF contests, experts reverse-engineer software, probe its weaknesses,
search for deeply hidden flaws and create securely patched replacements.

What if a purpose-built computer systems could compete against the CTF
circuit's greatest experts? DARPA has modeled the Cyber Grand Challenge
(CGC) on today's CTF tournaments to pave the way toward that future.

On August 4th, 2016, DARPA held the world's first all-computer Capture the
Flag tournament in Las Vegas. Seven prototype systems squared off against
each other, competing for nearly $4 million in prizes in a live network
competition. The CGC Final Event took place in conjunction with DEF CON,
home of the longest-running annual CTF competition.

Join CGC competitors and infrastructure team members in discussing lessons
learned and research challenges at the frontier of automated cyber


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