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Amplifying Side Channels Through Performance Degradation
We identify a new information leak in the OpenSSL implementation of the ECDSA digital signature algorithm, albeit seemingly unexploitable due to the limited granularity of previous trace procurement techniques. To overcome this imposing hurdle, we combine the information leak with a microarchitectural performance-degradation attack that can slow victims down by a factor of over 150. We demonstrate how this combination enables the amplification of a side-channel sufficiently to exploit this new information leak. Using the combined attack, an adversary can break a private key of the secp256k1 curve, used in the Bitcoin protocol, after observing only 6 signatures—a four-fold improvement over all previously described attacks.
Thomas Allan
The University of Adelaide and Data61
Billy Bob Brumley
Tampere University of Technology
Katrina Falkner
The University of Adelaide
Joop Van de Pol
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
Yuval Yarom
The University of Adelaide and Data61