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Practical and Secure Dynamic Searchable Encryption via Oblivious Access on Distributed Data Structure
In this paper, we propose a new oblivious access scheme over the encrypted data structure for searchable encryption purposes, that we call as Distributed Oblivious Data structure DSSE (DOD-DSSE). The main idea is to create a distributed encrypted incidence matrix on two non-colluding servers such that no arbitrary queries on these servers can be linked to each other. This strategy prevents not only recent statistical attacks on the encrypted data structure but also other potential threats exploiting the query linkability. Our security analysis proves that DOD-DSSE ensures the unlinkability of queries and, therefore, offers much higher security than traditional DSSE. At the same time, our performance evaluation demonstrates that DOD-DSSE is two orders of magnitude faster than ORAM-based techniques (e.g., Path ORAM), since it only incurs a small-constant number of communication overhead. That is, we deployed DOD-DSSE on geographically distributed Amazon EC2 servers, and showed that, a search/update operation takes around only one second on a very large dataset with DOD-DSSE, while it takes 3 to 13 minutes with Path ORAM-based methods.
Thang Hoang
Oregon State University
United States
Attila Yavuz
Oregon State University
United States
Jorge Guajardo
Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center
United States