Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2018

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MemCloak: Practical Access Obfuscation for Untrusted Memory

Access patterns over untrusted memory have long been exploited to infer sensitive information like program types or even secret keys. Most existing obfuscation solutions hide real memory accesses among a sufficiently large number of dummy memory accesses. Such solutions lead to a heavy communication overhead and more often apply to the client/server scenario instead of the CPU/memory architecture. Sporadic obfuscation solutions strive for an affordable memory bandwidth cost at the expensive of security degradation. For example, they may have to obfuscate accesses over a limited range of memory space to control the overhead.

In this paper, we present MemCloak to obfuscate accesses throughout the entire memory space with an $\mathcal{O} (1)$ communication overhead. We advocate leveraging data redundancy to achieve extremely efficient obfuscation. Loading multiple duplicates of a data block in memory, MemCloak enables the CPU to fetch the same data by accessing different memory locations. This breaks the condition for snooping the access pattern. Moreover, we leverage data aggregation to improve memory utilization. It enables the CPU to fetch the same aggregated data block times from the same memory location but each time for a different data block therein. This further prohibits an attacker from correlating memory accesses. We propose a series of optimization techniques to compress the position that tracks memory layout. The optimized position map is hundreds of times smaller than the traditional position map. It takes only several megabytes for protecting a 4~GB memory and can fit in an on-chip cache or buffer. We implement MemCloak using the gem5 simulator and validate its performance using highly memory-intensive MiBench benchmarks.

Weixin Liang
Zhejiang University

Kai Bu
Zhejiang University

Ke Li
Zhejiang University

Jinhong Li
Zhejiang University

Arya Tavakoli
Simon Fraser University


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