Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2020

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Device-agnostic Firmware Execution is Possible: A Concolic Execution Approach for Peripheral Emulation

With the rapid proliferation of IoT devices, our cyberspace is nowadays dominated by billions of low-cost computing nodes, which are very heterogeneous to each other. Dynamic analysis, one of the most effective approaches to finding software bugs, has be- come paralyzed due to the lack of a generic emulator capable of running diverse previously-unseen firmware. In recent years, we have witnessed devastating security breaches targeting low-end microcontroller-based IoT devices. These security concerns have significantly hamstrung further evolution of the IoT technology. In this work, we present Laelaps, a device emulator specifically designed to run diverse software of microcontroller devices. We do not encode into our emulator any specific information about a de- vice. Instead, Laelaps infers the expected behavior of firmware via symbolic-execution-assisted peripheral emulation and generates proper inputs to steer concrete execution on the fly. This unique design feature makes Laelaps capable of running diverse firmware with no a priori knowledge about the target device. To demonstrate the capabilities of Laelaps, we applied dynamic analysis techniques on top of our emulator. We successfully identified both self-injected and real-world vulnerabilities.

Chen Cao
The Pennsylvania State University

Le Guan
University of Georgia

Jiang Ming
University of Texas at Arlington

Peng Liu
The Pennsylvania State University

Paper (ACM DL)




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