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Sponsored Talk: A Tutorial on using Speculator for studying and prototyping speculative execution attacks
Thursday, 9 December 2021
13:30 - 14:00
Sponsored talk from IBM (Gold Sponsor) "A tutorial on using Speculator for studying and prototyping speculative execution attacks", Andrea Mambretti, IBM Research Zurich
In this talk, I will present the architecture and functionality of speculator and show how it can be used to analyze the micro-architectural behavior of modern CPUs and build proof of concepts attacks that exploit them (e.g. speculative execution attacks).
Andrea Mambretti is a security research in the IBM Research Zurich laboratory. His interests are mainly on systems security, hardware security and side-channels. Andrea is completing his PhD at Northeastern University where he is advised by Engin Kirda. Also, he holds a Master's degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano where he was advised by Federico Maggi and Stefano Zanero. His work has been published in major system security conferences such as IEEE S&P, NDSS and ACSAC and presented in industry conferences such as BlackHat and PacSec.