Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2021

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Understanding the Threats of Trojaned Quantized Neural Network in Model Supply Chains

Deep learning with edge computing arises as a popular paradigm for powering edge devices with intelligence. As the size of deep neural networks (DNN) continually increases, \emph{model quantization}, which converts the full-precision model into lower-bit representation while mostly preserving the accuracy, becomes a prerequisite for deploying a well-trained DNN on resource-limited edge devices. However, to properly quantize a DNN requires an essential amount of expert knowledge, or otherwise the model accuracy would be devastatingly affected. Alternatively, recent years witness the birth of third-party model supply chains which provide pretrained quantized neural networks (QNN) for free downloading.

In this paper, we systematically analyze the potential threats of trojaned models in third-party QNN supply chains. For the first time, we describe and implement a \textbf{QUA}ntization-\textbf{S}pec\textbf{I}fic backdoor attack (\emph{QUASI}), which manipulates the quantization mechanism to inject a backdoor specific to the quantized model. In other words, the attacker-specified inputs, or \emph{triggers}, would not cause misbehaviors of the trojaned model in full precision until the backdoor function is automatically completed by a normal quantization operation, producing a trojaned QNN which can be triggered with a near $100\%$ success rate. Our proposed QUASI attack reveals several key vulnerabilities in the existing QNN supply chains: (i) QUASI demonstrates a third-party QNN released online can also be injected with backdoors, while, unlike full-precision models, there is almost no working algorithm for checking the fidelity of a QNN. (ii) More threateningly, the backdoor injected by QUASI remains inactivated in the full-precision model, which inhibits model consumers from attributing undergoing trojan attacks to the malicious model provider. As a practical implication, we alarm it can be highly risky to accept and deploy third-party QNN on edge devices at the current stage, if without future mitigation studies.

Xudong Pan
Fudan University

Mi Zhang
Fudan University

Yifan Yan
Fudan University

Min Yang
Fudan University

Paper (ACM DL)




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