Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2021

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LaserShark: Establishing Fast, Bidirectional Communication into Air-Gapped Systems

Physical isolation, so called air-gapping, is an effective method for protecting security-critical computers and networks. While it might be possible to introduce malicious code through the supply chain, insider attacks, or social engineering, communicating with the outside world is prevented. Different approaches to breach this essential line of defense have been developed based on electro-magnetic, acoustic, and optical communication channels. However, all of these approaches are limited in either data rate or distance, and frequently offer only exfiltration of data. We present a novel approach to infiltrate data to air-gapped systems without any additional hardware on-site. By aiming lasers at already built-in LEDs and recording their response, we are the first to enable a long-distance (25 m), bidirectional, and fast (18.2 kbps in & 100 kbps out) covert communication channel. The approach can be used against any office device that operates LEDs at the CPU's GPIO interface.

Niclas Kühnapfel
TU Berlin

Stefan Preußler
TU Braunschweig

Maximilian Noppel
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Thomas Schneider
TU Braunschweig

Konrad Rieck
TU Braunschweig

Christian Wressnegger
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Paper (ACM DL)




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