Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2023

Panel: Cybersecurity Across Diverse Industries -- It's Not Just Attack/Defend

Session Chair: Daniel Faigin, The Aerospace Corporation

In the academic world, it often seems that there is a single area of focus: cybersecurity. Yet when we move out of the academic world and into industry and the application of cybersecurity, the specific concerns of each industry specialize and focus. This panel explores how cybersecurity is applied in different industries. We have a diverse panel representing a broad set of industries in the real world (automotive, health care, legal and criminal justice, national security). Each panelist will be exploring the following three questions: What cybersecurity concerns are the same across these industries? What cybersecurity concerns are of particular interest and focus for the specific industry? Where do we need new and innovative research solutions for our industries? We invite attendees to come with questions for each industry, and we invite practitioners in the audience to share their experiences as well.

Daniel Faigin, The Aerospace Corporation     SLIDES

(Automotive) Michael Clifford, Principal Researcher, Connected Car System Security, Toyota InfoTech Labs
(Legal/Criminal Justice) Paula DeWitte, Professor of Practice, Computer Science & Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering, Texas A&M University
(Aerospace) Elizabeth Scruggs, The Aerospace Corporation
(Healthcare) Nicole Carlson, John Muir Health