Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2023

Global Analysis with Aggregation-based Beaconing Detection across Large Campus Networks

We present a new approach to effectively detect and prioritize malicious beaconing activities in large campus networks by profiling the server activities through aggregated signals across multiple traffic protocols and networks. Key components of our system include a novel time-series analysis algorithm that uncovers hidden periodicity in aggregated signals, and a ranking-based detection pipeline that utilizes self-training and active-learning techniques. We evaluate our detection system on 10 months of real-world traffic collected at two large campus networks, comprising over 75 billion connections. On a daily average, we detect 43% more periodic domains by aggregating signals across multiple networks compared to single-network analysis. Furthermore, our ranking pipeline successfully identifies 1,387 unique malicious domains, out of which 781 (56%) were unknown to the major online threat intelligence platform, VirusTotal, at the time of our detection.

Yizhe Zhang
University of Virginia

Hongying Dong
University of Virginia

Alastair Nottingham
University of Virginia

Molly Buchanan
University of Virginia

Donald E. Brown
University of Virginia

Yixin Sun
University of Virginia

Paper (ACM DL)
