Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2023

Mostree: Malicious Secure Private Decision Tree Evaluation with Sublinear Communication

A private decision tree evaluation (PDTE) protocol allows a feature vector owner (FO) to classify its data using a tree model from a model owner (MO) and only reveals an inference result to the FO. This paper proposes Mostree, a PDTE protocol secure in the presence of malicious parties with sublinear communication. We design Mostree in the three-party honest-majority setting, where an (untrusted) computing party (CP) assists the FO and MO in the secure computation. We propose two low-communication oblivious selection (OS) protocols by exploiting nice properties of three-party replicated secret sharing (RSS) and distributed point function. Mostree combines OS protocols with a tree encoding method and three-party secure computation to achieve sublinear communication. We observe that most of the protocol components already maintain privacy even in the presence of a malicious adversary, and what remains to achieve is correctness. To ensure correctness, we propose a set of lightweight consistency checks and seamlessly integrate them into Mostree. As a result, Mostree achieves sublinear communication and malicious security simultaneously. We implement Mostree and compare it with the state-of-the-art. Experimental results demonstrate that Mostree is efficient and comparable to semi-honest PDTE schemes with sublinear communication. For instance, when evaluated on the MNIST dataset in a LAN setting, Mostree achieves an evaluation using approximately 768 ms with communication of around 168 KB.

Jianli Bai
University of Auckland

Xiangfu Song
National University of Singapore

Xiaowu Zhang
CloudWalk Technology

Qifan Wang
University of Auckland

Shujie Cui
Monash University

Ee-Chien Chang
National University of Singapore

Giovanni Russello
University of Auckland

Paper (ACM DL)
