Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2023

Remote Attestation with Constrained Disclosure

Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) are used for remote attestation to ensure the authenticity and integrity of software running on a computer system. However, measuring software executed as containers or virtual machines can be challenging as it is measured concurrently, resulting in a jumbled measurement log that is difficult to disentangle. Moreover, disclosing the entire measurement log in traditional binary remote attestation raises privacy and intellectual property concerns. To address these issues, we propose a remote attestation method with constrained disclosure, allowing for selective disclosure of entries in the measurement log using a non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof with Schnorr signatures. Our approach is evaluated for security and privacy and proven to be correct, sound, and satisfies the properties of a NIZK proof. Formal verification of our solution with ProVerif also supports our claims. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of our proof-of-concept implementation shows that our contribution is feasible, and the overhead introduced is negligible.

Michael Eckel
Fraunhofer SIT | ATHENE

Dominik Roy George
Eindhoven University of Technology

Björn Grohmann
gematik GmbH

Christoph Krauß
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Paper (ACM DL)
