[ACSAC-Dec 9-13, 1996-SAN DIEGO]

Issues 1996: Intrusion Detection Special Workshop

Chair: Dr. Harvey H. Rubinovitz

Tuesday, December 10, 1996, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

In recent years Intrusion Detection has received much attention. With the rapid growth in the utility of computer systems, there is an increased need to be concerned with maintaining security on such systems. Intrusion Detection systems help maintain the proper usage and protection of these systems. A number of prototyped systems as well as commercial systems have been or are being developed. A number of tools exist to automate the process as well as processing some information in near real time. The focus of this workshop will be to discuss the implementation, deployment, and management experiences of Intrusion Detection systems.

Previous participants have agreed that past workshops have provided a useful and exciting forum for members of the standards and software development worlds to exchange ideas, opinions, and concerns. Due to community interest in Intrusion Detection, this year's workshop should generate much discussion.

The ACM's Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control (SIGSAC) is sponsoring this workshop. Preregistration is requested although there is no charge for workshop registration. Position papers are encouraged and will be published in the SIGSAC Review. To register, contact Harvey Rubinovitz, Workshop Chair, MITRE M/S B305, 202 Burlington Rd, Bedford, MA 01730, (617) 271-3076, hhr@mitre.org.

Note: Lunch is provided with all tutorials, but NOT with the Intrusion Dection Workshop.