1989: Complete List of Papers from the Fifth ACSAC
Distinguished Lecture: INFOSEC: How Far We Have Come! How Far Can We Go?
S.T. Walker
Session 1: Panel: Computer Crime
Moderator: G. Thackery
Session 2: Panel: CALS Data Security & Integrity
Moderator: AR. Friedman
A Structured Risk Analysis Approach to Resolve the Data Protection and
Integrity Issues for Computer-Aided Acquisition Logistics Support (CALS), R. A. Gove
and AR. Friedman
Electronic Information Security in a Digital Environment, R.M. Davis
The CALS Data Protection and Integrity Industry Working Group, B. C. Karp
Data Protection Requirements in Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support ,
W.C. Gorham. Jr.
Session 3: Panel: Human Issues
Moderator: S.J. Reynolds
Human Issues, S J. Reynolds, T.P. Grove, Jr., and JN. Parrigin
Session 4: Panel: Unclassified Systems Security
Moderator: R. Lang
Implementing Sensitive But Unclassified Security, Today
R. Lang
Session 5: Panel: Shootout at the OSI Security Corral
Moderator: P. Lambert
Shootout at the OSI Corral, P. Lambert
A Security Standard for LANs, KE. Kirkpatrick
End-to-End Encryption at the Network Layer, R. Nelson
Blectronic Messaging Security: A Comparison of Three Approaches, R. Housley
Session 6: Risk Management
Chair: D. Snow
The Role of Vulnerability in Risk Management, K. Otwell and B. Aldridge
Intrusion and Anomaly Detection In Trusted Systems, JR. Winkler and W.J. Page
A Model of Security Monitoring, M. Bishop
An Approach for Evaluating the Security of an Air Force Type Network, N.K. Woodfield
Session 7: Panel: Security Standards for Open Systems
Moderator: EJ.Humphreys
Security Standards For Open Systems, E.J. Humphreys
ISO/EC Work on OSI Security Standards, W. Ford
CCITT DAF Security, M. Stirland
ECMA Security Standards, T. Parker
Session 8: Audit Applications
Chair: W.Neugent
Protection of Call Detail Records Data in Federal Telecommunications, S. Chokhani
Security Audit for Embedded Avionics Systems, KN. Rao
Session 1: Architecture for Trusted Systems
Chair: R. Wong
Development of a Multi Level Data Generation Application for GEMSOS, ER. Schallenmuller,
RR. Cramer, and B.T. Aldridge
Designing a Trusted Client-Server Distnbuted Network, S. Migues and R. Housley
The Security Policy of the Secure Distributed Operating System Prototype, N. Proctor
and R. Wong
Session 2: Paoel: TCB Subsets Issues
Moderator: R J. Feiertag
Does TCB Subsetting Enhance Trust?, R.J. Feiertag
Considerations on TCB Subsetting, H. B. Winkler-Parenty
TCB Subset Architecture, LL. Vetter
Session 3: Panel: GeminiUsers
Moderafor: S. Chokhani
Panel, Gemini Developers: Facts, Myths, and War Stories, D. Garnbel
A Summary of the Unisys Experience with GEMSOS, D. Paul
Session 4: Architecture and Mechanisms
Chair: S. Chokhani
Process Execution Controls as a Mechanism to Ensure Consistency, E.M. Bacic
Architectural Support of Fine~rained Secure Computing , J.O. Bondl and MA. Branstad
Access Control by Boolean Expression Evaluation, D.V. Miller and R. W. Baldwin
Session 5: Panel: Civil Sector Security
Moderator: G. Lang
Assessment of Security Requirements for Sensitive Systems, N. Brown
Challenges Faced Today by Computer Security Practitioners, L.F. Reese
ADP Security Within the Customs Service, W. Green
Computer Security and Air Traffic Automation, S. D .Smith
Session 6: Software Development for Security
Chair: J.McHugh
Software Methodology for Development of a Trusted BMS: Identification of Critical
Problems, SD. Crocker and E.J. Siarkiewicz
Developing Trusted Systems Using DOD-STD-2167A, T.C.V. Benzel
Secunty Issues and Ada Runtime Support, L. J. Harrison
A Rislc-Driven Process Model for the Development of Trusted Systems, A. Marrnor-Squires,
J. McHugh, M. Branstad, B. Danner, L. Nagy, P. Rougeau, and D. Sterne
Sessioo 7: Panel: Space Station Information Security
Moderator: R. Kovach
Session 8: Database II
Chair: M. Tinso
Issues in Distributed Database Security, A.R. Downing, IB . Greenburg, and T F. Lunt
Secure Query Processing in Intelligent Database M~nagement Systems, MB. Thuraisingham
Session 1: Database Security I
Chair: MB. Thuraisingham
TCB Subsets: The Next Step, L. Vetter and G. Smith
Multi-Party Update Connict The Problem and Its Solutions, T.F. Keefe, DJ. Thomsen,
W.T. Tsai, and MR. Hansch
Auditing: A Relevant Contribution to Trusted Database Management Systems, M. Schaefer,
B. Hubbard, D. Sterne, TK. Haley, J.N. McAuliffe, andD. Wolcost
Session 2: Network Security
Chair: R. Henning
Net vork Authentication Tokens, R. Davis
A Survey of Commercially Available Secure LAN Products, G. King
Applying the TNI to System Certification and Accreditation, R.E. Niemeyer
Session 3: Cryptographic Applications
Chair: C. Covey
An Extended Cryptographic Key Generation Scheme for Multilevel Data Security, L. Harn,
Y.-R. Chien, and T. Kiesler
Two New Efilcient Cryptosystems Based on Rabin's Scheme: Alternatives to RSA Cryptosystem,
L. Harn and T. Kiesler
Evaluation Issues for an Integrated "INFOSEC" Product, FL. Mayer, W.C. Barker, T.K.
Haley, J.N. McAuliffe, D.F. Sterne and L.S. Vidmar
Session 4: Panel: Integrity
Moderator: M.M. Pozzo
Integrity: A Perspective. M.M. Pozzo
Secure System Design - Introduction (Morrie Gasser, DEC)
Approaches to Database Security (Teresa Lunt, SRI)
Secure System Design - Advance (Virgil Gligor, U of MD)
A New Approach to Network Security (Jerome Lobel, Lobel Consulting)
Computer Crime (Gail Thackery, Arizona Asst Atty General)